Player name: Donguines, FernieSee rating chart
Most recent federation:   The Philippines
Date of birth: N/A
Most recent ID: 5200067
Sex: man
  list        pos  Player_ID  Name                                 Title Fed  Rtng   +/-  Gms   Birthday   Sex  Flag 
Oct 2001     1657=  5200067  Donguines, Fernie                       f   PHI  2413    +2   11                        
Jul 2001     1704=  5200067  Donguines, Fernie                       f   PHI  2411   -14   10                        
Apr 2001        x   5200067  Donguines, Fernie                       f   PHI  2425     0    0                     i   
Jan 2001        x   5200067  Donguines, Fernie                       f   PHI  2425     0    0                     i   
Oct 2000        x   5200067  Donguines, Fernie                       f   PHI  2425     0    0                     i   
Jul 2000        x   5200067  Donguines, Fernie                       f   PHI  2425     0    0                     i   
Jan 2000        x   5200067  Donguines, Fernie                       f   PHI  2425     0    0                     i   
Jul 1999     1282=  5200067  Donguines, Fernie                       f   PHI  2425     0    0                        
Jan 1999     1230=  5200067  Donguines, Fernie                       f   PHI  2425     0    0                        
Jul 1998     1155=  5200067  Donguines, Fernie                       f   PHI  2425    -5   11                        
Jan 1998     1043=  5200067  Donguines, Fernie                       f   PHI  2430     0    0                        
Jul 1997     1028=  5200067  Donguines, Fernie                       f   PHI  2430   -15   11                        
Jan 1997      824=  5200067  Donguines, Fernie                       f   PHI  2445     0    0                        
Jul 1996      791=  5200067  Donguines, Fernie                       f   PHI  2445     0    0                        
Jan 1996      767=  5200067  Donguines, Fernie                       f   PHI  2445   +20    9                        
Jul 1995      988=  5200067  Donguines, Fernie                       f   PHI  2425   +45    8                        
Jan 1995     1779=  5200067  Donguines, Fernie                           PHI  2380     0    0                        
Jul 1994     1710=  5200067  Donguines, Fernie                           PHI  2380     0    0                        
Jan 1994     1638=  5200067  Donguines, Fernie                           PHI  2380     0    0                        
Jul 1993     1585=  5200067  Donguines, Fernie                           PHI  2380     0    0                        
Jan 1993     1519=  5200067  Donguines, Fernie                           PHI  2380   -25   15                        
Jul 1992     1040=  5200067  Donguines, Fernie                           PHI  2405   -30    9                        
Jan 1992      656=  5200067  Donguines, Fernie                           PHI  2435     0    0                        
Jul 1991      634=  5200067  Donguines, Fernie                           PHI  2435     0    0                        
Jan 1991      607=  5200067  Donguines, Fernie                           PHI  2435   +20    4                        
Jul 1990      774=  5200067  Donguines, Fernie                           PHI  2415          9